農曆新年休息時間 農曆新年休息時間 : 因農曆新年關係,本樂園的遊樂部將於以下時間暫停開放。住宿部將不受任何影響,不便之處, 敬請見諒。 日期: 二月四日至二月二十六日 如有任何問題, 請致電24706928 February 5, 2016News and EventsBy Petworld Resort
Annual closing days 聖誕節及新年休息 聖誕節及新年休息時間,因聖誕節及新年關係,本樂園的遊樂部將於以下時間暫停開放。 December 15, 2015News and EventsBy Petworld Resort
Christmas booking now open @2015 Summer booking now open !! Call for query or make a booking! October 15, 2015News and EventsBy Petworld Resort
What is Hydrotherapy? Hydrotherapy utilizes the properties of water, such as buoyancy, hydrostatic pressure, viscosity and resistance to improve physiological functioning. April 3, 2014News and EventsBy Petworld Resort